Nederlands: --English Below--
Martial Arts Research and Studies (M.A.R.S., alle rechten voorbehouden) is een project dat zich richt op algemeen en specifiek onderzoek binnen krijgskunsten, meer bepaald letselvorming, preventie, prestatie en techniek, het produceren en publiceren van peer-reviewed academisch onderzoek binnen het brede veld van vechtsporten, waaronder Historische Europese Vechtsporten.
Het project bestrijkt een breed scala aan onderwerpen, waaronder letselprofielen, strategieën voor het voorkomen van letsels, onderzoeksstudies (observatief, interventioneel, sportgeneeskunde, klinische proeven, enz.), casestudies, opiniestukken, overzichtsartikelen, evenals fundamentele en geavanceerde concepten, technieken en technische aspecten van vechtsporten.
Alle onderzoeksartikelen worden in een academische stijl gepubliceerd. Sommige artikelen worden uitgebracht onder de naam M.A.R.S., terwijl andere kunnen verschijnen in externe peer-reviewed academische tijdschriften. Artikelen die door M.A.R.S. worden gepubliceerd, zijn altijd open access, zodat ze voor alle lezers toegankelijk zijn. Samenwerkende tijdschriften worden ook geselecteerd op basis van hun toewijding aan open access.
Artikels in eigen publicaties kunnen geüpdatet worden. De update datum zal dan telkens vermeld worden.
Types of Martial Arts:
All types are accepted.
Main Focus: Historical European Martial Arts.
Biomedical Science and sports medicine in Martial Arts:
Biomechanics- Anatomy - Physiology
Injuries and Injury reports
Training (in the physical sense)
Other:Undefined topics but still related to the field of interest of the project
Martial Arts:
Martial Arts Reference pages
History of Martial Arts
Other:Undefined topics but still related to the field of interest of the project
Original Articles and Research Papers
Questions and Answers (Q&A): Submitted questions by readers regarding a certain topic (Biomedical, Sport technical or Other) which than are answered by an expert in the field.
Reviews: Book reviews, Article reviews, Narrative reviews.
Hypothesis, Hypothetical reviews, Opinion paper and reflections.
Case Studies
Short Communications
Other: Undefined topics but still related to the field of interest of the project
Our project is open to researchers and writers who wish to share and publish their work in a collaborative framework. Please contact us below for more information about submitting papers.
Submission fee: Free of charge
Funding and payment: Authors will receive no payment or funding for submitting their work.
M.A.R.S. publishes in external journals or in own name.
All rights of all manuscripts published in external journals remain to that specific journal.
All rights of all manuscripts published by M.A.R.S. in own publication remain to M.A.R.S.
Nothing in the work of M.A.R.S. can be used or copied without the explicit written consent of the author(s) and editor.
Open access:
All articles in own publishment are open access. Collaborating journals are selected on open access as well.
Martial Arts Research and Studies (M.A.R.S., all rights reserved) is a project focused on both general and specific research within martial arts, particularly injury development, prevention, performance, and technique. It also includes the production and publication of peer-reviewed academic research within the broad field of combat sports, including Historical European Martial Arts.
The project covers a wide range of topics, including injury profiles, injury prevention strategies, research studies (observational, interventional, sports medicine, clinical trials, etc.), case studies, opinion pieces, review articles, as well as fundamental and advanced concepts, techniques, and technical aspects of martial arts.
All research articles are published in an academic style. Some articles are released under the M.A.R.S. name, while others may appear in external peer-reviewed academic journals. Articles published by M.A.R.S. are always open access, ensuring they are accessible to all readers. Partner journals are also selected based on their commitment to open access.
Articles in proprietary publications may be updated. The update date will always be noted in such cases.